
Hello, this is my hobby blog. I'm starting off by featuring Gundam kits that I've built and painted. I've always liked scale model kits and Gundam has several good points:

  • No glue is required (except for seam filling) so you can do a 'pre-assembly' in an airconditioned room (like your office during lunchtime).
  • Assembly is pretty fast compared to many scale models that have a few too many parts.
  • Fun and cheerful colour schemes.
  • Relatively inexpensive and the distributor has regular sales.

I use Vallejo Model Colour/Game Colour/Model Air

I've accumulated many Floquil/Polly S sable brushes over the years and also purchased size 00 - 1 Winsor Newton Series 7 sometime back.

Badger Patriot 105 with 0.5mm head is an excellent fuss-free airbrush that hardly clogs and is easy to clean. Everything else is a pain. I bought it from amazon when there was still free shipping; but even with shipping ended, it is worth it. You can also buy a spare needle/nozzle from amazon (which I did, again with free shipping). 

Standard air compressor from HobbyMate at Bras Besah. 


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