Mobile Suit XXXG-01S2 Gundam Nataku

Purchase History
Bought this for S$10 at the BHG sale along with other kits of the Endless Waltz  (except the Wing Gundam which was not sold). I bought this first because I wanted to try painting green and this was my first green gundam (I also have an unfinished Zaku II from the 08th MS team box set with the RX-79 which I have finished). I also had a lot of green paint for modern US Army

Kit Review
This is a $10 budget kit and it is far from perfect. For example, the feet are basically two halves which are attached side by side with a seam line running down the middle. Since the feet are two colours, you have to mask and paint unlike most other Gundam kits where the white and grey parts can be assembled and painted separately.  The spear comes attached to the hand which is the sign of a budget kit. Still, it has many cool features such as the claws.

White Grey preshaded with Black
Intermediate Green highlight,
US Dark Green pre-shade
Gunship Green main colour
Different combinations as there are two tones of green
Scarlet preshaded with black
Neutral Grey / German Grey
Gold over Medium Yellow
Transparent green over Gunmetal for the spear, over silver for the green reflective parts on the legs.
Copic Marker for so-so panel lining job.
Some leftover decals


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